2024-25 Published Clarifications

Every team is expected to know the Published
Clarifications for its Challenge.
The deadline to ask a Team Clarification is January 31, 2025, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.
#1 november 25, 2024
In the Challenge, Section I.C.6 should read: “If your team is not using all Stack Items in a Stack, any unused Stack Item(s) should be placed together and outside the 8ft x 8ft (2.44m x 2.44m) taped area of the largest Target Zone (see Figure B) so that Appraisers can easily identify and record only the Stack Item(s) that were used for that Stack. During Stack Assembly and Stack Destruction, any unused Stack Items must not interact with the Assembly Equipment, Destruction Equipment, or Stack Items that are used in the Stack.”