2021-22 Published Clarifications
Technical Challenge
Daring Escape
Every team is expected to know the Published
Clarifications for its Challenge.
Team Clarifications are currently closed.
The deadline to ask a Team Clarification was January 31, 2022, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

#1 OCTOBER 13, 2021
In the Challenge, a new Section I.B.8 should read: “The Hazards must not be any part of each other. If any part of one Hazard is a part of another Hazard(s), your team may receive 0 points for the attempt(s) to overcome those Hazard(s). (See Section IV.B.1.) Your team may also receive Illegal Procedure deduction(s) for IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and/or IV.B.4.”
#2 NOVEMBER 19, 2021
In the Challenge, Section I.B.4 should read: “The Hazards must not touch one another. The Hazards must not be attached to one another, whether directly or indirectly. If the Hazards touch or are attached to one another, your team may receive 0 points for the attempt(s) to overcome those Hazard(s) while they are touching or attached. (See Section IV.B.1.) Your team’s score(s) for IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and/or IV.B.4 may be affected.”